2023年3月15日 オンライン
GLTP, which has been implemented by UNU-IAS since 2013, is a training scheme sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT), and designed to provide Japanese postgraduate students with opportunities to conduct field researches in Africa. UNU-IAS arrange for the graduate students to be interns/researchers (2-4 on a long-term basis and 6-8 on a short-term basis) at partner universities and research institutions in Africa to acquire practical skills, knowledge, and experience.
GLTP targets to enhance their leadership skills such as creativity, practicability, and self-reflection widening their eyes to analyze the complexity and interrelations of diverse issues in Africa from both global and local perspectives which enables to bring the impact at the local level linking it to the global policy and strategy. GLTP supports students to ensure their researches’ outcome is to contribute to the achievement of SDGs in Africa. The participating students, therefore, are required to deepen their ideas and analysis to strategically link their research findings to the policy recommendation for the achievement of SDGs in Africa.
GLTP has two important approaches. One is for Japanese students to be directly guided by African supervisors at the host institutes to develop a viewpoint to address the issues from an African perspective as well as to propose a solution for the side of Africa. The other is to emphasize the importance of building a mutual relationship between students and local partners. Therefore, the participating students are expected to recognize the field not only as the subject of own research but also the counterpart to share the benefit of the study, and moreover to get the feedback from them to complete the field work.
Due to the difficulties of travel under the pandemic of COVID-19 since 2020, UNU-IAS has decided to launch a six-week online training course in 2021 in collaboration with New York University and University of Johannesburg. The course included keynote lectures, workshops, resource sharing, and participatory activities prepared by African scholars and practitioners in a wide range of fields (e.g., health, education, environmental studies, human rights, law, technology, government, and civil society) from across the continent. This provides participants with an opportunity for being actively engaged with African leaders to discuss skills and strategies needed to strengthen the capacity and resilience of community and civil society, build and enhance human rights, and contribute to environmentally sustainable development across Africa to achieve SDGs. At the end, all participants need to develo research proposals and present it for sharing and discussion as a final session of the programme as a preparation of future opportunity of field works in Africa.
So far, a total of 66 Japanese graduate students (2013–2019) from 31 universities in Japan carried out their research at 24 universities/research institutes in 13 African countries. Alumni has started developing their career in various sectors such as private companies, consulting farms, NGOs, academia, and international organizations such as World Bank, IOM, UNEP, UNICEF, and UNOHR. Please see the outputs tab for the details of results, partner universities, and students’ research reports.
ガーナ: | University of Ghana, UNU Institute for Natural Resources in Africa, University for Development Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology |
ナイジェリア: | University of Ibadan |
ケニア: | Kenyatta University, University of Nairobi |
ザンビア: | The University of Zambia |
南アフリカ: | University of Cape Town |
派遣数: 6 名(修士4名、博士2名)
派遣国: 5ヶ国 (ガーナ、ケニア、セネガル、 南アフリカ、ザンビア)
研究内容: 気候変動における科学者の役割、携帯通信ネットワークのビジネスモデル比較、都市農業による食料危機の回避、「ダイレクト・アクセス・モダリティ」適用の可能性、プラチナ生産過程におけるCO2 排出削減対策、ザンビアにおける理科授業(中学校)の実態
派遣数: 9 名 (修士5名、博士4名)
派遣国: 5 ヶ国(コンゴ、ガーナ、ケニア、南アフリカ、ザンビア)
研究内容: ボノボの群れ間攻撃交渉の解明、ガーナにおける石油歳入管理法(PRMA)、難民問題における複雑なダイナミズムの整理、衛生改善の取組が幼稚園児の衛生行動と健康状態へ与える影響、気候変動がもたらす諸リスクの予防と対応、社会的企業(営利・非営利)による途上国低所得層への貢献、環境配慮建物と環境促進技術の普及による二酸化炭素排出量の削減、暴動(集団行動)発生のメカニズム、狂犬病のリスクアナリシス
派遣数: 9 名(修士6名、博士3名)
派遣国: 6 ヶ国(ガーナ、ケニア、マラウィ、セネガル、ウガンダ、ザンビア)
研究内容: 電子機器廃棄物処理が人および環境へ与える影響、環境汚染とエコシステム、“Endogenous Development”の理念と実践アプローチの把握、持続可能な開発における「ローカル・キャパシティ」の有用性、初等教育(学校数学)が子どもたちの数概念の発達へ与える影響、公立小学校における教師の労働環境、農業開発による土壌動物および微生物の多様性変化、多民族国家の紛争防止メカニズム、経済発展による生活環境の変化と生活習慣病との関係
2023年3月15日 オンライン
2022年11月3日 オンライン
2021年9月20日 オンライン
2019年9月11日 横浜市
2018年6月29日 東京
2017年8月31日 東京