
  • アン・ルクロAnne Lecroq joined UNU-IAS in February 2022 as a Media and Engagement Associate. She is both a Swiss and French citizen, and has lived and worked in Canada, Italy, and Japan.

    A graduate of Pierre Mendes-France University, she holds an MA in Law, Economics and Management, with a specialisation in International Security and Defense.

    Before joining UNU, Anne worked as a journalist with The Asahi Shimbun in Geneva where she covered the United Nations and other Swiss-based international organisations. In this capacity, she contributed to the media coverage of the first Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury in 2017. Her previous experience includes roles at Toyota, OECD, the French Refugee Agency, FAO, and JICA Okinawa.

    Anne has a strong interest in engaging the media to raise public awareness of sustainability issues.